Thursday August 16th at St Nicolas Church Hall, Earley. 6.30pm to 7.45pm, wine and nibbles to follow.

Raising money for George’s Extra Marvelous Medicine Fund – supporting children with cancer and Leukaemia. Guest appearance from George at the end! {my son}

Cost: donation of whatever you like!

If you have a mat please bring, booking essential. Only a couple of spaces left.

Pregnancy Yoga class in Reading

A few spaces are now available at Monday night Pregnancy Yoga.

Gentle, flowing sequences to improve strength and flexibility, breathing techniques and relaxation.

Hamilton Road Children’s Centre, Reading.

Cost £20 for 4 week block, or £8 drop in. Call or text 07884268610 to book.

Mum and Baby Yoga class, Reading

Friday mornings Hamilton Road Children’s Centre Reading. 10 am to 11am, with tea and biscuits to folllow..!

Yoga for Mum, Yoga for baby and interactive practise, promoting positive relationships – friendly, relaxing and fun.

Call Vikki for more details, or click on Mum and Baby on the top bar. Cost £20 for 4 weeks, supported by Sure Start.

Pregnancy Yoga in Reading – Monday nights

Hamilton Road Children’s Centre, Mondays 6.45pm to 8pm.

Breathing techniques to manage contractions, gentle flowing Yoga sequences to strengthen and stretch, movement for an active birth.

07884268610. Cost £8 drop in – or £30 for 6 weeks {supported by the Children’s Centre}